A Ross Township PFAs Update
There have been some developments in Ross Township since our update at the GLQO Annual Meeting in June.
- A small subset of the monitoring wells in Ross Township were retested over the summer
- The well in Gull Vista (with previous high readings likely not due to the Plastics Plant) has shown a decrease in PFAs levels since previous testing
- Wells south of M89 (DE Ave between 35th St. and 37th St.) and on Greer show an increase in PFAs – these are in the expected path of the main Plastics Plant plume)
- Surface soil ‘pore testing’ was done on several Idlewild neighborhood (SW side of Gull Lake) properties in September, to understand how the soil could potentially carry or resist any future spread of the Gull Vista contamination towards Gull Lake itself; these results are pending, and the GLQO will share them when available.
- Earlier this month, Ross Township voted not to ask for an extension of Kalamazoo City Water, in large part due last-minute, changing information from the City of Kalamazoo regarding potential service hookup costs. This puts this issue to bed for now.