Memberships for 2025 are now open and joining is easy!

Membership in the Gull Lake Quality Organization starts for as low as $40 per year and is open to everyone – individuals, families, businesses and organizations interested in Gull Lake and the surrounding watershed. A gift membership is a great way to introduce someone who is new to the area (or not!) to the important work GLQO does to preserve and monitor water quality throughout the Gull Lake Watershed.

There are two ways to join GLQO:

  1. Print, fill in and mail the membership form with your payment to:
    PO Box 144
    Richland, MI 49083
    Be sure to indicate on the form who the members will be, not just who filled out the form!


  2. Join online, via PayPal, Venmo, or Credit Card using the appropriate link below.

    If you join by 1 March, you can elect to The Michigan Riparian Magazine. A $25 value available to GLQO members for $14. This is a limited time offer, so be sure to join today!

Join the GLQO

We Thank Our 2025 Members! 
Updated 01 February 2025; We endeavor to keep our membership lists up to date… please contact us if you see an error or omission (

Mac and Susan Behnke
Sherwood and Sharon Boudeman
Jon and Susan Bowers
Roger C. Buddig
Janet and John Carrig
Alison and Rob Credit
Sally and Randy Crocket
Jerry and Sharon Cross
Jim and Barb DeKruyter
Ron and Nanette Elenbaas
Bill and Betsi English
Mike and Kathy Gallagher
John and Sharon Garside
Steve and Elaine Ginsberg
Bonnie Gordon
Jim and Marsha Heath
Fred and Megan James
Si and Shirley Johnson
Todd Kingma and Betsy Kingma
Betsy & Brandon Klerk
Chris and Laura Maloney
Ed and Nancy McCarty
Nick and Julia Miladore
Kate Miller
Kay Gross and Gary Mittelbach
Robert and Kay O'Boyle
Barbara J. Parish
Donald and Sue Paulson
Eric and Martha Reid
Rollin and Crystal Richman
Paul and Karen Ringemann
Wendy and Doug Robbins
Tom and Judy Schau
Mike and Julia Sharp
Deidre and Doug Smith
William D. Johnston and Ronda E. Stryker
Mary L. Tyler Family
Bill and Ruth Ann Uggen
Sally Williams

Hawks Hollow Builders
Gull Lake Ministries
Gull Lake Sewer and Water Association
Jaqua Realtors
Kellogg Biological Station
Koopers Marine LLC
Mac's Garage
Prairieville Parks Commission

John and Amy Abbott
Scott and Holly Allen
LouAnn Ambro
Charlotte Ashton
James and Leslie Babel
Bud and Judi Baldwin
Rod Borton and Deb Ball
Patti Colasanti and Jack Bargo
Jennifer and Rebecca Barlow
Anthony and Valerie Bartalone
Rick and Kathy Beauregard
Tom and Lynn Belco
Jim and Lesley Bodary
Randy and Janet Bonzheim
Dick and Debbie Boris
Sherwood and Kathryn Boudeman
David and Heidi Boutell
Robert and Brenda Brenner
Joe Brogger
Nancy Brookins
Cleve and Sue Brown
Michael and Sara Brundage
Fred and Sharon Buckley
John and Mary Budnick
Richard and Joanne Chamberlin
John and Lynne Chipman
Gary J. Cirulli
Bruce and Donna Cohen
Brett and Jeanne Comar
Bob and Paula Cook
David Creguer
Amy and Jim Cronin
James A. Cupper
Dwight (Randy) Curtenius
Philip and Terri Dawson
David and Margaret DeLano
Larry and Diane Dopp
Susan and John Doster
Dob and Jeree Drake
Lisa Duffy
Dr. David G. Dvorak
James Elsener
George Elsener Family
John and Jan Etzcorn
Jerry and Lisa Falk
Jim and Dottie Farwell
Ed and Nancy Fitzgerald
Jack and Patti Fleming
Lloyd and Serena Fox
Ann and John Gallagher
Tom and Claire Geil
Judah Gesmundo
Mike Marcinek and Vicki Gesmundo
Sera Gesmundo
Bryan and Shelly Gildea Knight
Janet and Don Gladstone
Gary Granger
Bjorn and Lori Green
Heidi Gjersoe and Francis Grubelich
David Gruss
Frank and Diane Guarisco
Michael and Arlene Bryant Gull Hills Tract Spring Channel
David and Michelle Halley
Peter and Margaret Hamlett
Henry Hawk
Patricia Heilenbach
Mal and Pat Hickok
George and Arla Hillebrand
Rick and Linda Hoffman
Susan Houseman and Curtis Hall
Bruce Hutchinson and Betsy Bastien
Amy Isom
Judy Jereck
Steve and Peggy Johnson
Susanne Johnston
Mark and Toni Jones
Steve Keith
John E. Kelly
Sue Markus and Rick King
Melinda Klerk
Suzanne Stimson Leech and Jamie Kneen
Wes and Susie Kolb
Dave and Kay Koldyke
Richard Krebser
Garry and Claire Krouse
Jane Kuckel
Jim and Linda Lass
Phyllis LaVene
Patricia L. Lawrence
Chris and Jackie Light
Longman Family
Liz Lukeman
Raymond and Carolyn Maly
Linda Markham
Valli and Tom McDougle
Russ and Connie McFee
Robert Millard
Robert and Kathy Miller
Kevin and Betty Miller
Kathryn Miller
Ron Mochizuki and Shelly Halper
William and Phoebe Moreo
Susan Morrow
Craig and Deb Mumy
Patrick H. Murphy
Susan and Michael Murphy
Stephen and Christine Murray
Markley Noel
James and Kristin Nolin
James D. and Nancy L. Nordlie
Kim and Valerie Nuyen
Jeff and Amy O'Brien
Char and Tom O'Neill
Jerold and Maxine Orum
Karol Peterson
Jeff Price and Sue Harrison
Dan and Kay Rackiewicz
Alison Pruitt and David Randell
Martin and Carol Ranly
Ann E. Ransford
Jim Rawsky
Bob and Margo Rebar
Ronald and Sue Ellen Reisman
Dave and Shelly Reynolds
Mary Jo and Robert Rial
Justin and Carolyn Ridderman
Rob and Lori Rowe
Russell Family
Bill and Jane Ryan
Brad and Rene Saar
Hal and Taffy Sanger III
Bonnie and Scott Sawusch
Steve and Gina Schau
Rick Schmiege and Jan Stoner
Ken and Pat Schultz
Jim and Deborah Scott
Tim and Judy Shank
Tom and Lisa Shannon
Julie Shaw
TR and Kathy Shaw
Christina Shepard
Linda Shierlaw
Craig and Bobbi Shumaker
Bruce and Kathy Shurtz
Marilynn and Bob Simon
Steve and Vicki Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith
Joyce Snow
Harry and Tineke Stolt
Samuel and Tommy Sue Stone
Chris and Susan Tague
Gary and Karen Theisen
Ron and Edna Thompson
Alison Thor
Carol Ticknor
Bill and Carolyn Ticknor
Michelle and Chris Tracy
Isobel and Matt Tracy
Jerry and Margaret Trepanier
Gail M. Turlock
Jeanne Turner
Amy Upjohn and Brad Vandenberg
James and Kathleen Vander Kolk
Dan and Becky Vander Meulen
Jon and Courtenay Vander Molen
Doug and Sandra VanderLugt
John and Cathy VanderSalm
Edwin Vandersalm
Tom and Bonnie Visser
Carol Vogt
Barbara Walker
Dana Walters
Tim Wang and Molly Herndon
Dan and Donna Weaver
Lee Weiss
Bob and Lori Wheelright
Joseph and Mary White
David and Cindy Wiedemer
Brook and Emily Wilke
Tim and Tonia Williams
Bruce and Jean Williams
David Wilson
Stephen and Linda Winquist
Jerry and Kathleen Wojtala
Jennifer Wright
Jesse and Katie Zamora