GLQO Annual Meeting 2024

The Annual Meeting of the Gull Lake Quality Organization will be: Tuesday, June 11, WK Kellogg Manor House, Kellogg Biological Station, 3700 East Gull Lake Drive, Hickory Corners, MI. Happy hour starts at 6:30PM.

This is your opportunity to learn about what GLQO does … and you can do…to preserve and protect the beauty of Gull Lake and its watershed.

As part of the meeting we will have a presentation by Erica Bays, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.  Erica will be sharing updates on PFAS monitoring in and around Gull Lake.

We also will be confirming recommendations of the GLQO Nominating Committee for new Board members and thanking retiring members for their service.

So join us…. beer, wine and light refreshments will be provided.   To help us plan the food and beverages for the meeting, please RSVP either here:
[rsvp] …or email and let us know how many in your family/group will be attending.

Annual Meeting Agenda:

6:30-7:30     Happy Hour
Light snacks, beer and wine provided!

7:30               Business meeting
                       Welcome by Kay Gross, GLQO President
                       Introduction of current GLQO Board members
                       Election of new Board Members
                       What’s ahead for the GLQO in 2024

8:00               Presentation
Update on PFAS monitoring in and around Gull Lake” 
              Erica Bays,  Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy             

8:15-9:00     Q&A and more mingling..